Thursday, October 24, 2013

Cape Cod drawings

I made these drawings July 2013, while we were in Cape Cod on vacation.    

Roadside fish restaurant.

There was all this great greenery outside.

Windy day at the beach.  

 Bayside with a pier, a lighthouse and boat. 

Whenever Jake fell asleep in the car, I stayed and watched over him.  Matilda and Clay went on ahead.  

Moments when Matilda would just sit and color were rare.  We were at that roadside fish restaurant.  

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Subway Drawings

A middle-aged couple riding the subway together.  

I think its a mother and her son.

Here is a young couple buttressed on both sides by strangers.

The car was almost empty.  It was late at night.  Everyone just wanted to be home.

Here are 2 guys, one lean and scowling, and the other more plump and friendly.

Here are 3 strangers.  Its the end of the work day and they are going home.

Here is another grouping of 3 strangers.    This is mid-day.

Friday, October 4, 2013